Teaching STEAM to dyscalculics pupils can be challenging, but with the right approach and support it can be made much easier. As mathematical concepts are often used in all STEAM subjects, dyscalculia can have an impact on a student’s understanding and engagement in learning.
In our STEAM boxes, we have followed the following suggestions and strategies to make it easier for dyscalculics pupils to learn and understand some mathematical concepts like fractions,length units, multiplication or addition.
1. Practical learning and visual aids
Dyscalculics students often understand better when material is presented visually or through hands-on activities. Diagrams, graphs, charts and models can help to make abstract concepts more understandable. For example, in our box “Fun DNA”, we have given students the opportunity to create a 3D model of DNA with gumdrops and marshmallows through a practical and fun activity.

The storytelling elements in all the boxes also support this approach. Illustrations are often used to illustrate and explain mathematical concepts. . For example, in the “Converting length units” and “Fractions” boxes, complex mathematical conversions and the concept of a fraction are explained through entertaining narrative elements.
2. Clear and structured instructions
It is important for dyscalculic students that instructions are clear, concise and structured. For more complex experiments and procedures, step-by-step instructions with visual notes and further explanations can help.
This is how we have provided instructions in all of our boxes. When the box contains practical activities for students, simple and clear instructions are immediately attached to the narrative element.

3. An empathetic and supportive environment
Support and understanding from teachers is essential. Students with dyscalculia can easily feel overwhelmed, so it is important to create an environment where they feel comfortable to ask questions and ask for help without fear. In most of our learning boxes, students work in groups. This allows the teacher to form heterogeneous groups so that another student can help the student with difficulties .
All in all, teaching mathematics to dyscalculic students can be made more effective if a flexible approach is taken, practical and visual methods are used, and individual support and aids are provided where necessary. Use our STEAM boxes and you will ensure that all pupils can thrive in STEAM lessons and make progress.