The first set of boxes is here!

After months of designing, building, testing, and revising, the first 10 boxes are here! You can download the boxes on our website, and they are available in all the languages ​​of the partner organizations and in English. So, what exactly did we prepare? Through these 10 boxes, we have covered different topics from the STEAM

The first set of boxes is here! Read More »

Students love experiments

Experiment-based learning, also known as experiential learning or hands-on learning, is an educational approach that emphasises learning through direct experience and experimentation. This method involves actively engaging students in experiments, practical activities, projects, and other hands-on experiences to enhance their understanding and retention of concepts. Designing a “Box of STEAM” that involves numerous experiments can

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My box of STEAM project: bringing Girls closer to STEM for Gender Equality

A girl born today, or perhaps in thirty years, may still not have the chance to see gender equality recognised. According to the Global Gender Gap Report 2023* no country has yet achieved full gender parity, although the top nine countries (Iceland, Norway, Finland, New Zealand, Sweden, Germany, Nicaragua, Namibia and Lithuania) have closed at

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Five tips to improve the inclusivity of your teaching materials

The last article published addressed the subject of inequalities in education and highlighted the fact that our boxes are inclusive, including students with specific learning disabilities. But what are specific learning disabilities? They are long-term conditions that impact an individual’s learning journey. They have a neurobiological origin and can disrupt the cognitive development of learning

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Tackling the educational inequality

In the ever-evolving landscape of our society, the significance of accessible education for all cannot be overstated. Education is the cornerstone of personal development, societal progress, and economic growth. It serves as the bedrock of a fair, just, and inclusive society. However, this fundamental right remains elusive for many, and the disparity in accessibility perpetuates

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