Author name: My Box of Steam

My box of STEAM project: bringing Girls closer to STEM for Gender Equality

A girl born today, or perhaps in thirty years, may still not have the chance to see gender equality recognised. According to the Global Gender Gap Report 2023* no country has yet achieved full gender parity, although the top nine countries (Iceland, Norway, Finland, New Zealand, Sweden, Germany, Nicaragua, Namibia and Lithuania) have closed at […]

My box of STEAM project: bringing Girls closer to STEM for Gender Equality Read More »

Five tips to improve the inclusivity of your teaching materials

The last article published addressed the subject of inequalities in education and highlighted the fact that our boxes are inclusive, including students with specific learning disabilities. But what are specific learning disabilities? They are long-term conditions that impact an individual’s learning journey. They have a neurobiological origin and can disrupt the cognitive development of learning

Five tips to improve the inclusivity of your teaching materials Read More »

Tackling the educational inequality

In the ever-evolving landscape of our society, the significance of accessible education for all cannot be overstated. Education is the cornerstone of personal development, societal progress, and economic growth. It serves as the bedrock of a fair, just, and inclusive society. However, this fundamental right remains elusive for many, and the disparity in accessibility perpetuates

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Project My Box of STEAM has started. Creating and testing of the pilot box on the invention of the sundial.

The project Every pupil should have equal opportunities to learn STEM through activities. That’s what our project My Box of STEAM offers, focusing on including pupils with special needs and girls. The focus will be on the use of inclusive methods in the development of project materials and guidelines. The project will produce 35 STEAM

Project My Box of STEAM has started. Creating and testing of the pilot box on the invention of the sundial. Read More »

Empowering Student Engagement through STEAM Education

STEAM education, integrating the ‘A’ of arts with STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) is gaining recognition for its ability to cultivate inquiry, creativity, and problem-solving skills (European Commission, 2022). The global demand for a multidisciplinary scientific workforce underscores the importance of STEAM education in addressing the challenges of the modern world through a fresh

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